Saturday 15 September 2007

So why this blog....

....well I think the way that Ron Dennis has been treated in the last 72 hours is quite frankly disgusting.

Here's my take on the story (accepting that I in no way know all the facts):
1. A rogue member of staff (and a highly rated one) leaks a dossier of information to his 'sort-of' equivalent at McLaren. 2. Ferrari, quite rightly, pursued this matter with the FIA once it came to their attention. At that time, McLaren and Ron Dennis answered the questions put before them. AT NO POINT did driver Alonso step forward to the FIA and say he had evidence to the contrary.
3. At the Hungarian Gran Prix, following a disgusting show of bad sportsmanship, Alonso 'throws his toys out of the pram' when reprimanded over his conduct. I can only imagine he threatened to expose the e-mails of HIM using this information with the test driver and race engineer to cheat, in order to secure first place ranking in a team that has always adopted a 'no team orders' stance.
4. Following this revelation, Ron Dennis contacts the FIA president Max Mosely. He confesses all and requests further FIA investigation.
5. McLaren and Alonso (along with Hamilton who has not been implicated in this) come before the FIA and are issued with a heavy financial penalty and are removed from the constructors championship.
6. Ron Dennis is basically accused of lying by his 40 year old friend Max Mosely, on TV at the Belgian Gran Prix qualifying session.
So what do i think – In some ways Max Mosely is right. It can never be quantified whether or not McLaren gained any significant advantage. Whilst it pains me I can see no other real choice but to remove them from this years constructors championship. The financial penalty is heavy and I hope it doesn't cause a domino effect but providing both Mercedes and the major sponsors stand behind McLaren they will continue to fight another day. But here are the kickers...
1. Alonso, whom the evidence clearly shows used the information in the dossier, IS NOT PENALISED. He basically cops a plea in exchange for handing over the information. He should have been told to hand over the information and shut up whilst they decide his future. No other driver has ever brought the sport into such disrepute with a such a show of bad sportsmanship, lack of team loyalty and a lack of care and attention to a sport which most drivers are privileged to compete in. He appears to feel that F1, McLaren and indeed the world, should be grateful that he is a driver. To be honest I certainly enjoyed watching him spin out in qualifying today but other than that I would be quite happy to never see him race again!!
2. Nigel Stepney, and for that matter Ferrari, don't seem to have been given even a mild ticking off. If this is not just about competitive advantage and also about the reputation of the sport then surely they should also be reprimanded for their part in tarnishing its reputation.
I know that very few people on this planet, if any, actually know all the facts. However I strongly want to emphasize to the world that I believe in Ron Dennis, his integrity and a team which above all others, plays by the rules. That I believe is due to Ron and his leadership. I feel saddened that the advent of what should have been a massive advantage to McLaren (the signing of the current F1 Champion and most promising driver at that time) has actually turned out to be undoubtedly the most bitter pill he's ever swallowed. In the first advent of this scandal, two unscrupulous members of staff at two of the worlds best racing teams nearly brought the sport into disrepute. At the second round of these hearings one of the best drivers really has brought it into disrepute
I'm a fan of the sport, not of any particular team or driver. I have at times been in awe of the prodigy Hamilton who will undoubtedly be a world champion even if it is not this season. I have, however, always seen, admired and quite frankly taken for granted, that Ron Dennis is a good, true and proud man and that integrity is everything to him. I certainly cannot remember any instance of Ron asking one of his drivers to throw the first race of the season in favor of the number 1 driver but I suppose we would need to ask Barrichello what that feels like. Lets all look at Ferarri for a model of good behavior!!!!
AT NO POINT has Ron Dennis shirked from his responsibilities as team principle and he has taken a lot of hits on the chin for what appears to be the actions of some of his members of staff. However to see a man so visibly shaken as he was today, so absolutely devastated at being branded as a liar, struck a chord with me that incited me to begin this blog. I don't know if anyone will write or care. I intend to try and get an e-mail to McLaren but I don't know if it would ever get there. I will also contact ITV. I feel like I have to try and do something to let this man, whom I admire, know that the world and the fans are not all against him. That at least one person believe he is a man of his word and that the principles he espouses at McLaren are not just rhetoric. He lives and breathes them. I have for some years now lived about an hour and half from the McLaren factory. I have said for the last seven or so years that if there is one place I would like to work it would be there. Unfortunately they never needed an accountant!!! I love cars but it wouldn't just be that – I would be part of what appears to be a true team. For that to have come simply some across on the TV says a lot for it's potency.
This bring me to my last point. Is McLaren in any way able to sack/ suspend Alonso for his actions. I suppose only his contract would tell but I think his disgusting behavior would constitute a breach of contract in anyones book and that if at all possible RON DENNIS SHOULD REMOVE ALONSO FROM MCLAREN. He is a cancer, eating away at the heart of that team and he needs to be removed. It would be a tragedy if he were to win the drivers championship in a McLaren. If you agree, or for that matter disagree, then let your feelings be known. Blog... :o)

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